

    Sl No. Name of the Employee Designation Role in Committee
    1 Smt Kalpna Maheshwari PGT(Chemistry) To plan and co-ordinate co-curricular programmes and to communicate the staff and students the details and conduct of each programme and, to facilitate timely reporting to RO about various CCA activities.
    2 Shri Jang Bahadur TGT(Sanskrit) To make necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of assembly programmes as per the time schedule.
    3 Shri Nootan Kumar TGT(PHE) To make useful/important announcements and complete any other duties assigned by the Principal.
    4 Smt. Amita PRT(Music) To make necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of assembly programmes as per the time schedule.
    5 Smt. Ankita Bhargav TGT(Art & Craft) To make necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of assembly programmes as per the time schedule.
    6 Dr. Bheem Raw Kureel WET To make useful/important announcements and complete any other duties assigned by the Principal.
    7 Sri Balak Ram Sub Staff Helping Work
    8 Smt. Tarannum Bi Sub Staff Helping Work